Monday, September 21, 2009

Kitchen Remodel: Day 2

Today (Wednesday, September 16th) Thomas returned and went at it full-bore.  He and his assistant ripped and sawed and tore at things all day long.  We needed to get the cabinetry dismantled and the fridge moved out of the way before the wall could be demolished.  Also, there was shelving in the laundry closet to be removed.  Some of this material will hopefully be reused, and some will be sold to Urban Ore, a well-known store for previously used material.  (We bought a slab there once for 30 bucks or so that we still use as our desktop.)

Things moved along quite quickly, and it was all I could to to keep from recording the whole thing on video.  At 9:30 or so they started removing the fridge,

Which stubbornly tried to remain where it was, but eventually - success!

Pretty shortly thereafter all of the cabinetry was gone:

We were all impressed with the quality of work that has gone into everything we've seen so far.  Those cabinets were really solidly constructed and very tough to remove.  Even the shelves in the laundry closet:


After the big stuff came out, there was a lot of plastic put up for keeping the rest of the dust and debris contained.  They have some neat plastic sheeting with zippers that create little rooms for their deconstruction - very handy in a situation like ours where we are going to have to use the rest of the room throughout the process.  Here's the new entry to the dining room from the kitchen:

I expect we'll be sick of seeing this long before the project is complete.  Here's something else we may get sick of soon:

All in all a fascinating (though loud) day watching everything surgically come apart.  Tomorrow: The Wall.

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